viola ヴィオラ
般若 佳子|HANNYA Yoshiko
在学中よりictus ensembleやPrometheus Ensembleの一員としてヨーロッパ各地の公演に参加、モネ王立歌劇場室内楽シリーズに度々出演。またモネ王立歌劇場オペラ公演、サルヴァトーレ・シャリーノ作曲“Luci mie traditorici”(指揮:大野和士)では師と交替で首席ヴィオラ奏者を担当。イクトゥスアンサンブルシュトゥットガルト公演のライブ録音がCDリリース(ジョルジュ・アペルギス”Die Hamletmaschine-Oratorio”)、アンサンブルモデルンオーケストラヨーロッパツアー(指揮: ピエール・ブーレーズ)への参加などヨーロッパを拠点に活発な演奏活動を行う。また、フランス・サント国際音楽祭、Ars Musica(ブリュッセル)、ポンピドゥーセンター(パリ)における秋の音楽祭など数々のフェスティバルに出演した。
Born in Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture in Japan. Yoshiko Hannya (former name: Yoshiko Sato) studied solfege and violin at the Toho Gakuen Music School for children in Hiroshima City. After graduating from the Toho Girls' High School Music Department, graduated from the Toho Gakuen University of Music, majoring in stringed instruments (Switched to viola in 2nd year in University) in the same year, moved to Europe and entered the Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Frankfurt am Main. Co-starred with the Hiroshima Symphony Orchestra at the Hiroshima Promising Concert and received the Hiroshima City Best New Artist Award and the “Diploma di Merito” from the Siena Chigiana Music Academy in Siena, Italy. After 1 and half year, she transferred to the class of Paul De Clerck at the Royal Conservatory in Brussels.
While attending school, she participated in performances in various parts of Europe as a member of ictus ensemble and Prometheus Ensemble, and frequently appeared in the chamber music series of the Royal Opera House “La Monnaie”. In addition, in charge of the principal viola player with the teacher Paul de Clerck in the "Luci mie traditrici" (conductor: Kazushi Ono) composed by Salvatore Sciarrino at La Monnaie. A live recording of a performance (Georges Aperghis "Die Hamletmaschine-Oratorio") from the Ictus Ensemble was released on CD. Participation in the Ensemble Modern Orchestra Europe tour (conductor: Pierre Boulez). She has also performed at numerous festivals such as “Festival de Saintes (France)” and Ars Musica (Brussels) etc.
Since 2004, Yoshiko has participated in the "Akiyoshidai’s Summer" contemporary music seminar as an invited performer and lecturer. From 2004 to 2005, focused on contemporary music as a trainee dispatched by the Agency for Cultural Affairs. And, studied further as a viola player. After returning to Japan, she has been active in a wide range of classical and contemporary music, including guest appearances at Kioi Sinfonietta Tokyo, Tokyo Mozart Players and Ensemble Nomad, and appearance at the Takefu International Music Festival as a member of the Next Mushroom Promotion. In 2007, Appeared in the recommended frame in "Sounds of the 21st Century Leaders" hosted by the Tokyo Wonder Site. From this year, she participated in performance tours to cities in Asia (Seoul, Daegu, Tongyeong, Daejeon, Shanghai, Singapore), Hungary and Mexico.
In 2009, she formed the "Otonari" trio with Masumi Yoshikawa (soprano) and Naoko Kikuchi (koto), and performed many new premieres. In October 2014, she was invited to Seoul National University, and premiered a viola solo written for herself by Sukhi Kang at 80th anniversary concert of this composer. In 2016, she produced a concert of the Ensemble Projete named by Joji Yuasa in Tokyo and a concert series "For You" in Kanazawa. In 2017, she co-starred with Mr. Yuji Takahashi in Hiroshima. "Akiyoshidai‘s Summer" (2004-2018) & "MONTENN’s Summer (2019)" Contemporary music seminar Performer and lecturer. Invited to participate in the Sound Bridge International Contemporary Music Festival 2019 (Malaysia). Currently, Artist-in-Residence in Kanazawa Citizens Art Village in 2020.
She has studied with Kishiko Suzumi, Yuko Hasegawa, Junji Suganuma, Miyoko Goldberg - Yamane, Paul de Clerck, Serge Collot, Garth Knox, and Reiner Hoffmann. Yoshiko Hannya is baced in Kanazawa since 2019.